home hvac

Understanding the Importance of Air Duct Sealing for Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality in Residential Homes

In residential homes, a properly functioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential for maintaining a comfortable and healthy living environment. However, if your air ducts are not adequately sealed, it can significantly impact your home’s energy efficiency and indoor air quality (IAQ). Air duct sealing is a vital process that ensures your HVAC system operates optimally, reducing energy waste, lowering utility bills, and promoting cleaner air within your living spaces.

Air ducts are responsible for circulating heated or cooled air throughout a home, and any leaks or gaps in the ductwork can result in significant energy loss. This inefficiency not only increases energy consumption but can also negatively impact IAQ, as unfiltered air from unconditioned spaces can be drawn into your HVAC system and circulated throughout your living spaces. By ensuring your air ducts are properly sealed, you can effectively minimize these issues and create a healthier, more energy-efficient home.

Dive deeper into the importance of air duct sealing for residential homes, exploring the benefits of this essential process and how to identify common signs that your air ducts may need attention. Furthermore, examine why partnering with skilled professionals, like our team, is crucial for expert air duct sealing services that ensure long-lasting results.

1. Energy Savings: Reduced Energy Consumption and Lower Utility Bills

One of the most significant benefits of air duct sealing is the potential for energy savings. Unsealed ducts can result in substantial energy loss, as heated or cooled air escapes through gaps and leaks, forcing your HVAC system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature within your home. By ensuring that your air ducts are properly sealed, you can minimize energy waste and reduce your overall energy consumption, leading to long-term savings on your utility bills.

2. Enhanced Indoor Air Quality: Cleaner Air for a Healthier Home

Air duct sealing can have a notable impact on the indoor air quality within your residential home. Leaks and gaps in your ductwork can allow unfiltered air from unconditioned spaces, such as attics or crawl spaces, to enter the HVAC system, introducing pollutants like dust, allergens, and mold spores into your living spaces.

Proper sealing of air ducts helps to prevent the infiltration of these contaminants, promoting a cleaner and healthier indoor environment for you and your family. By investing in air duct sealing services, you can effectively enhance your indoor air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory issues and allergies associated with poor IAQ.

3. Improved HVAC Performance: Optimal Heating and Cooling Efficiency

Sealing your air ducts can also lead to improved HVAC performance. If your ductwork has leaks or gaps, your HVAC system may struggle to maintain the desired temperature within your home. This reduced efficiency can put added strain on your heating and cooling equipment, potentially leading to more frequent breakdowns and shorter system lifespans.

By ensuring your air ducts are properly sealed, you can enhance the overall performance of your HVAC system, contributing to more efficient heating and cooling processes and extending the life of your equipment.

4. Increased Comfort: More Consistent Temperatures and Better Airflow

A properly sealed air duct system contributes to a more comfortable living environment in your residential home. With sealed ducts, your HVAC system can more efficiently distribute heated or cooled air throughout your living spaces, resulting in more consistent temperatures and improved airflow. This increased comfort can make your home more enjoyable and help create a more pleasant living atmosphere for your family.

Identifying Air Duct Issues: Common Signs That Your Air Ducts Need Attention

To take full advantage of the benefits that air duct sealing can offer, it’s essential to identify potential issues with your ductwork. Here are some common signs that may indicate your air ducts need attention:

Inconsistent room temperatures: If different rooms in your home heat or cool inconsistently, it may be a sign of leaking or poorly insulated air ducts.

  • High Utility Bills: If you’ve noticed an increase in your energy bills without a significant change in your energy consumption habits, it could indicate that your HVAC system is working harder due to unsealed air ducts.
  • Excessive Dust: If you consistently notice an excessive amount of dust in your home, it may be a sign that your air ducts are pulling in pollutants from unconditioned spaces.
  • Unusual Noises: Whistling or rattling sounds coming from your air ducts can indicate gaps, holes, or loose connections that may require sealing or repair.

Invest in Air Duct Sealing for a More Energy-Efficient and Healthy Home

Air duct sealing is a crucial aspect of maintaining optimal energy efficiency and indoor air quality in residential homes. By properly sealing your air ducts, you can experience energy savings, enhanced IAQ, improved HVAC performance, and increased comfort in your living spaces.

Trust our professionals at Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. to provide expert air duct sealing in East Hanover, NJ, and surrounding areas that ensure long-lasting results and improve the overall well-being of your home. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of air duct sealing, contact us today to schedule an inspection and take the first step toward a more efficient and healthier living environment!

heat pump maintenance

Heat Pump Maintenance: Ensuring Residential and Commercial Comfort Year-Round

For homeowners and business owners alike, maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is a top priority. In many residential and commercial spaces, heat pumps have become a popular choice for achieving consistent comfort and energy efficiency throughout the year. These versatile systems provide both heating and cooling, ensuring an optimal indoor climate, regardless of the season. To keep your heat pump functioning at peak performance, regular maintenance is essential.

Heat pump maintenance is vital for several reasons. First and foremost, regular upkeep ensures the system operates efficiently – leading to energy savings, reduced operating costs, and a smaller carbon footprint for your home or business. Over time, wear and tear on the components can lead to decreased efficiency and increased energy consumption. Our technicians perform thorough inspections and maintenance services to restore your heat pump to optimal performance levels.

Explore the benefits of regular heat pump maintenance and how our professionals can help optimize your heating and cooling system.

The Benefits of Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Heat pumps are renowned for their energy efficiency, helping residential and commercial spaces maintain comfortable temperatures without relying on excessive energy consumption. However, as with any mechanical system, neglecting regular maintenance can lead to diminished efficiency. By performing routine maintenance, our professional technicians can identify and address issues like dirty air filters or coils, restoring the heat pump’s optimal performance and maintaining desirable energy efficiency.

2. Extended System Lifespan

Investing in a heat pump is a significant decision for any home or business owner, and the hope is that the system will provide comfort for years to come. One of the most effective ways to ensure this is through regular heat pump maintenance. Our technicians have the expertise to detect potential problems early and address them promptly, helping to prolong the system’s lifespan and prevent costly replacement or repair.

3. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Your heat pump plays an essential role in maintaining good indoor air quality, reducing allergens, dust, and other impurities circulating in your space. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning air filters and coils, helps to keep your heat pump operating at peak performance and contributes to a healthier indoor environment for your family, employees, or clients.

4. Quiet and Smooth Operation

Heat pumps are appreciated for their ability to operate silently, providing comfort without noisy disruptions. However, without regular maintenance, you may find your system becoming louder due to loose or worn components. Scheduling routine maintenance can help to identify and resolve these issues, ensuring your heat pump continues to run smoothly and quietly.

Heat Pump Maintenance Tasks You Can Expect from Our Professionals

1. Inspecting and Cleaning the Air Filters

One of the most critical components of your heat pump is the air filter. Over time, these filters can become clogged with dirt, dust, and debris, leading to decreased efficiency and poor indoor air quality. Our technicians will inspect and clean or replace the air filters as needed during routine maintenance services.

2. Cleaning the Indoor and Outdoor Coils

The indoor and outdoor coils of your heat pump are essential for heat transfer and overall system efficiency. When these coils become dirty, it can significantly impact the heat pump’s performance. Our professional technicians will clean the coils and remove any built-up debris to ensure optimal heat transfer and energy efficiency.

3. Checking Refrigerant Levels

Proper refrigerant levels are vital for efficient heat pump operation. Our technicians will check the refrigerant charge of your system during maintenance visits, ensuring it’s within the appropriate range for optimal performance and comfort.

4. Assessing Electrical Components and Connections

Electrical issues can pose safety risks, and loose or faulty connections may impact your heat pump’s performance. Our skilled technicians will inspect all electrical components, tightening connections and addressing any potential issues they detect.

5. Lubricating Moving Parts

To minimize wear and tear on your heat pump and ensure smooth, quiet operation, regular lubrication of moving parts, such as fan motors, is essential. Our team of technicians will apply lubricant to these components as needed, prolonging the life of your heat pump and maintaining consistent performance.

Scheduling Your Heat Pump Maintenance

To maximize the benefits of regular heat pump maintenance, it’s essential to establish a routine schedule. Typically, experts recommend scheduling a professional maintenance visit at least once or twice a year. The ideal time for heat pump maintenance is during the transitional periods between seasons, ensuring the system is prepared to handle the demands of the upcoming, warmer or cooler months.

One effective approach to ensuring your heat pump receives regular maintenance is to sign up for a maintenance plan with a reputable HVAC company like Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc.. Our maintenance plans provide scheduled visits, priority service, and discounts on repairs, helping you stay on top of your heat pump’s needs and maintain peace of mind.

Prioritize Heat Pump Maintenance for Lasting Comfort and Efficiency

Regular heat pump maintenance is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient environment in your residential or commercial space. From enhanced efficiency and prolonged system life to improved indoor air quality and quieter operation, the benefits of routine maintenance are numerous.

Don’t wait until issues arise to take action – trust our knowledgeable technicians at Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. to provide exceptional heat pump maintenance in East Hanover, NJ, and surrounding areas for your residential or commercial space. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

smart home automation

Smart Thermostats: Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Comfort for Homes and Businesses

As technology continues to advance, significant strides have been made in the world of heating and cooling systems. One such innovation is the smart thermostat – a modern solution for optimizing energy efficiency and indoor comfort in residential and commercial properties. Designed to provide precise control over your HVAC system, smart thermostats offer unparalleled convenience and performance in managing temperature, humidity, and overall occupant comfort. By investing in a smart thermostat, property owners can significantly reduce their energy consumption, save on utility bills, and create a more comfortable living or working environment.

Smart thermostats go beyond the basic function of traditional temperature control systems, allowing users to automate, program, and remotely monitor their HVAC equipment. With features such as advanced algorithms, learning capabilities, and remote access through smartphones or web applications, these intelligent devices provide unparalleled control over your heating and cooling system. Combined with professional installation and ongoing support from our experienced technicians, a smart thermostat can become a valuable asset in the pursuit of energy efficiency and enhanced indoor comfort.

Join us as we delve into the various benefits of using a smart thermostat for your residential or commercial property. We will explore how these advanced devices contribute to energy savings, improve temperature and humidity control, enhance convenience through remote access, and provide valuable insights for optimizing your HVAC system. By understanding the role of a smart thermostat in promoting energy efficiency and occupant comfort, property owners can make informed decisions about upgrading their current HVAC controls and reap the rewards of this innovative technology.

1. Energy Savings with Smart Thermostats

One of the primary benefits of smart thermostats is their potential for significant energy savings. These advanced devices utilize intelligent algorithms, learning capabilities, and motion sensors to optimize HVAC system performance and automatically adjust temperature settings based on occupancy patterns, user preferences, and outdoor conditions. This results in reduced energy waste and lower utility bills.

For instance, a smart thermostat can learn your schedule and automatically set back the temperature while you are away from home or your business is closed, only to restore your preferred settings upon your return. This “set it and forget it” approach ensures that your HVAC system operates efficiently without sacrificing comfort.

2. Enhanced Temperature and Humidity Control

Maintaining consistent indoor temperature and humidity levels is crucial for occupant comfort and well-being. Smart thermostats provide precision control over these environmental factors, ensuring a more comfortable and healthy living or working space.

These advanced devices can integrate with other indoor air quality equipment, such as humidifiers and dehumidifiers, to maintain optimal humidity levels, reducing the risks associated with excessively high or low humidity, such as mold growth, allergens, and respiratory issues. By seamlessly controlling temperature and humidity, smart thermostats contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable indoor environment.

3. Convenience and Flexibility with Remote Access

Smart thermostats offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility when it comes to managing your property’s HVAC system. Most smart thermostats provide users with remote access through smartphone applications or web interfaces, allowing you to control your heating and cooling settings from anywhere, at any time.

Remote access allows you to quickly adjust temperature settings based on changes in your schedule, respond to unexpected weather conditions, or simply confirm that your HVAC system is operating efficiently while you’re away. This level of convenience ensures that your indoor environment remains comfortable and energy-efficient, even when you’re not physically present.

4. Valuable Insights for Optimizing HVAC Performance

Smart thermostats not only control your HVAC system more effectively but also provide valuable insights into system performance and energy usage. Many smart thermostats offer features such as energy reports and usage history, helping you better understand your property’s energy consumption patterns.

These insights empower you to make informed decisions about your HVAC equipment and settings, enabling you to identify energy-saving opportunities and further optimize system performance. By providing actionable data on energy usage, smart thermostats equip you with the information needed to maximize both energy efficiency and indoor comfort.

Choosing the Right Smart Thermostat for Your Property

With a variety of smart thermostats available on the market, it can be challenging to determine which model best suits your property’s specific needs and preferences. Our professionals are here to help you navigate the selection process, taking into consideration factors such as compatibility with your existing HVAC system, desired features, and budget.

To ensure that you get the most out of your investment, we recommend partnering with our experienced technicians for professional installation services. Proper installation is essential for guaranteeing seamless integration and optimal performance of your smart thermostat. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support throughout the installation process and beyond, ensuring that you can enjoy the full range of benefits that smart thermostats have to offer.

Embrace the Future of HVAC Control with Smart Thermostats

Upgrading to a smart thermostat is an intelligent decision for any residential or commercial property owner seeking to improve energy efficiency, enhance indoor comfort, and gain valuable insights into their HVAC system performance. With features such as learning capabilities, remote access, and integration with other indoor air quality equipment, smart thermostats provide a modern solution to traditional heating and cooling challenges.

When you’re ready to experience the benefits of a smart thermostat, trust the experts at Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. for professional guidance and high-quality installation services. Our team of HVAC contractors in Hudson is dedicated to helping you create an energy-efficient and comfortable indoor environment that meets your unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about how a smart thermostat can transform your property’s HVAC system.

ac repair

The Importance of Timely AC Repair: Signs Your System Needs Attention

The performance and durability of your heating and cooling system are crucial elements that contribute to maintaining comfort in your residential, commercial, or new construction spaces. At times, your HVAC system may experience issues, and timely AC repair is essential to avoid costly damages and prevent unnecessary discomfort. Being aware of the warning signs that your system needs attention can save you time and money while ensuring that your HVAC system remains reliable and efficient. We’ll discuss some telltale signs that your AC needs repair and how our professional technicians can help you keep your system functioning at its best.

Understanding when your heating and cooling system requires AC repair is vital for maintaining a comfortable environment in your residential, commercial, or new construction spaces. In this article, we’ll delve into the warning signs that your HVAC system needs attention and discuss the benefits of prompt and professional AC repair services.

Signs Your HVAC System Needs AC Repair

1. Unusual Noises

One of the most apparent indications of an issue with your AC system is the presence of strange noises. While some noise is expected during regular operation, be alert for any sounds that deviate from the norm. Unusual noises such as grinding, squealing, or banging can signify issues with the motor, fan, or other components, requiring immediate professional attention.

2. Reduced Performance and Efficiency

When your HVAC system struggles to maintain the desired temperature or takes longer than usual to achieve it, this could indicate a problem that needs prompt AC repair. A reduction in performance and efficiency may derive from issues such as improper refrigerant levels, blocked airflow, or malfunctioning components that can cause your system to work harder and consume more energy.

3. Abnormal Odors

If you begin to notice unpleasant smells emanating from your HVAC system, it’s important to address the issue as quickly as possible. Unusual odors may indicate a variety of issues ranging from mold growth and bacterial contamination to burnt components or electrical issues. Ignoring these odors may lead to health risks and further system damage.

4. Inconsistent Temperature Control

Your HVAC system should provide consistent and even temperature control throughout your space. However, if you notice erratic temperature fluctuations or uneven cooling and heating distribution in different areas, it may be time to seek professional AC repair. Inconsistent temperature control may be the result of malfunctioning thermostats, blocked air ducts, or other underlying issues that need attention.

Benefits of Prompt AC Repair

1. System Longevity and Reduced Costs

The timely repair of your HVAC system ultimately contributes to its longevity and reduces overall expenses. By identifying minor issues early on and addressing them promptly, you can avoid more costly repairs or potential system replacements. Additionally, an efficiently running HVAC system will consume less energy, leading to lower utility bills and reduced operation costs.

2. Enhanced Comfort and Indoor Air Quality

A well-functioning HVAC system plays a vital role in maintaining the desired levels of comfort in your home or commercial space. Timely AC repair ensures that the system is able to provide consistent temperature control while helping to prevent problems with excess humidity and indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health concerns, emphasizing the importance of prompt AC repair services.

3. Improved Energy Efficiency

When your HVAC system is not operating at peak performance, it can consume more energy than necessary, leading to increased power bills and a larger carbon footprint. By identifying and resolving issues that hinder your system’s efficiency, timely AC repair can help maintain optimal energy consumption and reduce your overall environmental impact.

4. Peace of Mind

Addressing HVAC system issues early on by seeking prompt AC repair can offer valuable peace of mind. By ensuring your system is functioning correctly and efficiently, you can reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns and avoid the stress that accompanies a malfunctioning HVAC system.

When to Contact a Professional

While it’s essential to be aware of these warning signs, diagnosing and repairing HVAC system issues should be left to the professionals. Our skilled technicians possess the expertise and experience required to assess and address various AC repair needs. By trusting our team with your HVAC maintenance and repair, you can be confident in the safety and longevity of your system.

Conclusion: Prioritize AC Repair for a Comfortable Environment

Timely AC repair is crucial for maintaining a safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient environment in residential, commercial, and new construction spaces alike. By recognizing the warning signs discussed in this article and trusting our professional technicians at Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. to address your AC repair needs, you can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your HVAC system.

Don’t let an underperforming HVAC system disrupt your daily life. If you notice any of the warning signs mentioned above, rely on our dedicated professionals to deliver prompt and reliable AC repair services in Hudson, NJ.

Why Routine Furnace Maintenance is Important

Furnaces help keep your homes warm during winter by heating the inside air. heater repair in Hudson, NJ advise that furnaces are a good option if you require consistent air circulation within your home to keep yourself warm and comfortable.

However, furnaces require routine maintenance like other appliances. Cleaning them enhances their efficiency and life expectancy. Contact us so we can send out an experienced HVAC contractor in Hudson to clean the furnace in your home.

Why is Furnace Maintenance Important?

There are several benefits of furnace cleaning and maintenance, some of which include the following:

Increased Efficiency

The furnace may undergo a lot of wear and tear with its regular use. The appliance draws back cool air, heats it, and forces it into the ductwork to distribute it throughout the home.

The process may cause the filter to clog at times. That is why you should regularly clean furnaces to ensure proper airflow and reduce the time to heat air.

Protected Warranty

If any of your furnaces come with a warranty, you should consider regular appliance service in your home. If you fail to get the furnace regularly serviced, it may void its warranty. It means you may have to pay for all repairs to the appliance.

Saving Money

Hiring our qualified professionals to clean your furnace helps ensure that the system is not clogged up and enables utilizing more energy. Power consumptions are directly proportional to bills, and a regularly maintained furnace can help decrease prices.

Increased Lifespan

Maintaining the furnace adds a few more years to the appliance’s lifespan, postponing heater replacement in Hudson, NJ, as long as possible. So, you should never avoid furnace repairs for monetary reasons. You must note that it will cost us more money to repair the furnace in the long run. That is why maintenance is the best way to enjoy uninterrupted services.

Reduced Risk

Routine maintenance of furnaces can help prevent accidents, such as bad airflow or a breakdown. Furnaces produce carbon monoxide as a part of the operational process, and a leak can prove dangerous. You must seek professional assistance to ensure zero carbon monoxide leaks. Our qualified technicians can check and repair the source of the leaks and prevent others from getting exposed to them.

Furnace Replacement Checklist

Professionals also recommend replacing the furnace if the leak cannot be blocked. If this is the case, you should contact us for a heater replacement in Hudson, NJ.

The following suggestions can help you get ready for a furnace replacement:

Investigate Your Heating Needs

It would be best if you determine your heating needs. It’s a good idea to assess the condition of your heating system if you recently moved into a new house to determine what needs to be updated. You can determine whether you require a new furnace by conducting a study.

Choose Your Type of Furnace

You must choose the type of furnace you want and might consider a propane or natural gas model. Considering the benefits and drawbacks of various furnace types while installing the new system is important. Additionally, there are particular guidelines and standards for installing every type of furnace.

Compare Costs

Comparing costs is the best method to get ready for a furnace replacement. Find out how much your friends and neighbors who recently replaced their furnaces paid for their units by speaking with them. Research online, search for a good price, and compare the costs of the same goods from various vendors.

Bottom Line

Furnace cleaning and maintenance take little time, so you need to consider them as part of your routine. You can contact an efficient HVAC contractor in Hudson to get your furnace inspected and repaired for any leaks or clogged filters.

For furnace and heater replacement in Hudson, NJ, you can contact Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc, a furnace installation and service provider with an A+ rating. Call us at (973) 560-9198, or email us to schedule an appointment.

Points To Know Before You Buy A New A/C

Air conditioners have become an unavoidable necessity in our daily lives. Many aspects, such as price, cooling power, and energy efficiency, differentiate air conditioning units. Buyers have grown more conscious of their needs due to the introduction of new technologies, healthcare benefits, and energy efficiency. They now have a large selection of product offers and brands to choose from.

If you’ve already gone for an HVAC contractor in Hudson, and you still haven’t received the required efficiency from your AC unit, maybe it’s time to purchase a new one. Following are some things to know before you decide on buying a new A/C for your home – 

Room Size

The capacity or size of your air conditioning unit should match the size of your room. Always pick an air conditioner that has the proper cooling efficiency for your room’s size. It will not offer enough dehumidification if it is larger; an AC unit with far too elevated a cooling capacity for the room will switch off and on often. A smaller unit will cost you more in terms of energy consumption if it is smaller.


It is vital to properly install your air conditioner to get the most out of it. A split air conditioner has the indoor unit within the room and the compressor unit outside the home, while a window air conditioner is a compact appliance meant to be fitted to windows. As a result, have the device installed by the vendor or an authorized appliance repair firm to avoid any mistakes. The performance of an air conditioner is determined by how well it is installed.

Noise level

Consider the noise level while purchasing an air conditioner. In its product specs, each air conditioner specifies a noise level of operation. The noise levels should preferably be under 50 decibels. An air conditioner that creates a lot of noise might disrupt not just your sleep but also the sleep of your neighbours.

Energy efficiency

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has established EER ratings for air conditioners. EER stands for energy efficiency rating in stars.

All air conditioners are required to carry an energy-rating label with a star rating system. The higher the number of stars, the better. AC’s with higher star ratings will require significantly less power, consequently saving money on your energy bill in the long term.

Air quality

When installing air conditioners at home, it is crucial to pay attention to indoor air quality since air conditioners with a good filter are vital for improving indoor air quality. Air filters in today’s air conditioners eliminate odours, smoke, and pathogens from the air. An effective filter maintains clean air while also improving an air conditioner’s cooling capacity and energy efficiency by preventing dust from choking the evaporator coil.

By taking care of these things before purchasing your new A/C unit, you can be sure that you get the most effective air conditioning unit for your home. After you’re done choosing, if you’re looking for a reliable provider of AC installation in Hudson, NJcontact us at Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc., you can do so by calling us at (973)-560-9198 today!


5 Common Signs That You Need to Call For A Professional Heating Repair Right Now

As the winter gets chillier, you rely on your heating device. And you wish your furnace to work efficiently throughout the winter without any hassles. If you want to ensure your wish to come true, you need to be more vigilant about your heating device than ever during winter. Most homeowners worry about keeping their home cool during summers, and they quickly forget about the chilly nights. 

Home heating devices need as much care and attention as air conditioners do. And the primary causes of a malfunctioning heating unit are unprofessional installation and lousy maintenance. And what about the signs you need to look for to avoid such bad practices? 

Here Are 5 Most Common Signs That You Need A Heating Repair 

Higher Electricity Bills 

Probably this is one of the first signs that indicate that there is some problem with your heating device. While you are quite familiar that your electricity bills tend to go higher as the winter gets chillier, the difference should not be sky-high. 

Your Home Is Not As Warm As It Should Be 

If you still feel cold and uncomfortable in your home after setting the desired temperature on the thermostat, you should immediately ask a professional HVAC contractor to assist you. If your heating system is running continuously throughout the day and still not warming your home as desired, you need to address the problem as soon as you notice it. 

Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. offers 24-hour heating repair in Newark, NJ, or HVAC contractor in Hudson, and our technicians are ready to fix your malfunctioning heating device at any point in time. 

Your System Is Emitting Unusual Noises 

A heating device operates without making loud noises because it is designed to do so. But if it is conspicuously and jarringly noisy while working, that indicates a malfunction. If such noises are coming out from the vents, it indicates that your system is not working correctly. It might be hard for you to determine the issues. 

Call Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. for professional heating or furnace repair in Hudson, NJ.

The Pilot Light Has Turned Yellow 

It is always a good idea to keep an eye on the pilot light of your furnace. Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. suggests doing this regularly. Your pilot light should be blue as opposed to yellow. But if you are witnessing a yellow pilot light, there must be some problem with your furnace. Leaving the problem for a long time can affect your furnace in the long run. 

There Are Multiple Cold Spots in Your Home 

If you find specific areas of your houses not heating up evenly as other spots, there must be some issue with your ductwork. Uneven heating is a common problem. It’s a good idea to call a professional to check the status of your heating device. 

Now you are aware of the most common signs to keep an eye on. Don’t wait for your furnace to have a broken part to call Ron Jon Heating & Cooling Inc. for a professional heater installation in Hudson, NJGive us a call and let us inspect your system today.